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Talks & Documentaries - Audiovisuals

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If you come up with ideas which can be included on Michelle's Projects for English Learners external link, please get in touch!

If you want to learn to listen and improve your listening and speaking skills, don't use subtitles or transcripts. Not till you have listened to the video a few times. And don't read while listening. That's training in reading, not in listening!

The Story of Stuff Project Story of Stuff external link If your English is at the Upper Intermediate level, make sure you watch a few of the Story of Stuff Project videos. You can download them for free on their site, and you can get loads of interesting ideas to work on the presented topics and also to share it and contribute thus to consciousness-raising. Although you will find the videos translated into different languages, don't be a chicken! And don't use the subtitled version for the hearing-impaired, unless you are in that case! Help your ear become used to deciphering English in real life, and only resort to the subtitled version in English once you have trained your ear and your mind in survival techniques!

leosarchivesun Listen to Marvin Harris, anthropologist, talking about his life's work.

leosarchivesun YouTubers

The Story of Stuff Project TED Talks external link: an amazing site, full of amazing talks by people with great ideas. You can watch their videos and subscribe to their podcast. Remember not to use the translations till you've watched each video a few times! Your ear must stop being lazy! Here is a selection of some favorites!:

vampires March 2012: due to restrictive laws, sites are being closed down or unable to share knowledge. If you find broken links, let us know! Thanks.

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Broken Links!!!! :( Will they prevent we build a society of knowledge?

We haven't deleted these broken links because we hope the laws restricting the freedom we need to build a society of knowledge are finally banned when people come to their senses!