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How To Improve Your Writing Skills - Writing

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Basic for improvement...
Printer-friendly version worddoc (2 pages) - it includes pages 1-3 here (except links to other Resources below)

I. Before you write, think!: Brainstorming * Page 2
You shouldn't write anything before you draft. Brainstorm and draft. The result will be much better. When writing whatever, please don't forget to offer the necessary information at the beginning--date, name, title or description of the assignment...
II. After
you write, check!: Proofreading * Page 3
When you finish, remeber to proofread your piece. There are always mistakes you can check yourself before handing in your work. You may even realize how to improve a sentence. Proofreading is fundamental and you have to do it aloud, yes, read out loud your paper.

Here is the outline:

Outline - How to Improve your Writing Skills

More Resources...
How to Write (< Writing)
List of Mistakes (< How to Learn)
Outlines (< How to Learn)
Brainstorming (< How to Learn)
Textual Analysis/Structure (< Writing)
External links on Proofreading on Page 3 of How to Improve

Note: In the Writing Workshop we can work on the brainstorming technique (gathering ideas), approach and narrator, tone/atmosphere, genre, textual typology (especially, narrative/descriptive texts in fiction, argumentative texts), cohesion and coherence, drafts and shaping our text, working with vocabulary, noticing sentence structure, connectors…