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Spanish into English - A Project

Our World in Spanish into English is a support blog for this TP section, devoted to
those things that have enriched our lives,
that have made us who we are,
those things we would love to share with people who are not able to understand Spanish, or where we come from

When CPR was asked to write a composition about herself, she wrote this, A Biblical Autobiography. This was the seed for this TP section. A few weeks later she sent in the lyrics of "Ojalá" after a lesson in class where I had asked everyone to write an Ojalá sentence in Spanish on a sheet of paper we were passing round. Another idea connected. My friend Lena was in Germany last summer. In a course, she was asked to talk about Spain, and expected to talk about tortilla de patata (potato omelette) and flamenco, but that was not her Spain, nor her Spanish-ness! (even though she loves potato omelette and flamenco music) Do you see what I mean? So... Let's word our world in English!

Project dedicated to CPR (Y5C, 2007-08)

Our World in Spanish into English external link
A blog for you to write in! Check it out!!!
(Although you can also send more complex contributions here. The blog is just for text messages. This website is if you wish to add pictures, links or audios.)

My World
bullet A Biblical Autobiography, by CPR

Our Worlds
bullet Ojalá, song by Silvio Rodríguez (Cuba)