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Self-Dictations - Listening

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On-Line dictations external link sorted out by level Love it!
Use the Useful Language episodes on the Talking People Podcast for dictations too!

Practice Your Pronunciation external link (easy and effective!) Use the sentences in this link to practice taking dictations!

The idea is to develop this section offering an audio and its written version
Read about the procedure in Self-Dictations (from our section How to Learn).
Then play complete sentences and repeat them aloud, while you start copying them.

Written text (to check later on)

More on dictations? Read about Dictations in Class

Click on this and listen!
Climate change, adapted from The Observer, 2004

Use the Talking People Podcast episodes external link to take dictations!

Working On It! Candidate topics/texts...
audio Climate change and cities. 2004 Written text
audio Renewable energy. 2003 Written text

There are more audios all over this site! You can use them all to practice.