Stories. My Mum, the Circus & Family Adventures!

Going to this webpage on Your Stuff! > Your Texts > Stories, you will find the transcript, too. It includes a page with Useful Language and links to get more Useful Language on various topics!

Download “Stories. My Mum, the Circus & Family Adventures”

circus.mp3 – Downloaded 2342 times –

Stories. Ted Chiang’s “Story of Your Life” (beginning)

Go to the Ted Chiang webpage on Talking People

Download “Stories. Ted Chiang's "Story of Your Life" (beginning)”

storyofyourlife_tedchiang_beg.mp3 – Downloaded 1965 times –

People. What can we learn from Virginia Woolf?

Download the AntiExam Pack: Virginia Woolf, the Spring Practice Test Pack for Elementary (Básico 1). Use this episode to prepare a monologue on Virginia Woolf.

Download “People. What Can We Learn from Virginia Woolf?”

virginiawoolf.mp3 – Downloaded 1192 times –

Intermediate. OP on Healthy Food

I’m excited to present a new segment (yes! Yet another! :D) which I’m creating because Mari Carmen, someone I worked with when she was in Básico 1 (Elementary) has sent in the script of a “monologue” she wrote for class, now that she is in “Intermedio” (B1). Thanks so much for this precious contribution! I’m sure it will help other B1 (Intermediate) students! Enjoy!

Read the transcript

Download “Intermediate (B1). Healthy Food Monologue”

b1_healthyfood.mp3 – Downloaded 948 times –

Useful Language. Everyday sentences with C1 language items (socializing)

No transcript. I’m protesting students’ obsession with reading and not training their ears to learn to understand. (It’s like a culturally patriarchal obsession with doing things the hardest and least enjoyable way, to make sure one fails, or has a hell of a time). So if you want a transcript, you can take it down as a dictation and then post here. I’ll check it! 😀 <3

Download “Useful Language. Everyday sentences with C1 language items (socializing)”

c1ulsocsituations.mp3 – Downloaded 1841 times –

Poems. “Dear Webster” by Connie Fife (Cree/Mohawk)

Read or print the poem

Download “Poems. "Dear Webster", by Connie Fife (Cree / Mohawk)”

poems_conniefife_dearwebster.mp3 – Downloaded 2042 times –

Elementary. Q&A on Routines for Conversations (part 2, 3rd p. sing.)

The worksheet with lots of questions is on this page (scroll down!)

And here is the audio (part 2 – Questions with “he/she”)

Download “Elementary. Q&A on Routines (part 2: she/he)”

qna_routines2_basico01.mp3 – Downloaded 1617 times –

Useful Language: Tricky verbs for Ementary (see, look, watch; hear, listen)

Read the transcript

Download “UL. Tricky verbs: see, look, watch, hear, listen”

seelookwatchhearlisten.mp3 – Downloaded 1134 times –

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