Elementary. Useful Classroom Language 2

An episode dedicated to my Elementary students (Básico 1, 2008-2009). It’s a revision of what we learned to use in class in our first lessons! Read/Print the sentences in this episode. Enjoy!   http://talkingpeople.net/tp/0tppodcast/usefulclassroomlanguage02.mp3

Elementary. Present. Nationalities, countries and languages 2

I made some mistakes: People FROM, not IN. “In” is OK, but “from” is more accurate (“in” vale, pero “from” es más preciso). The list of countries is not complete. The world is full of countries and peoples (pueblos)! People = personas, gente; Peoples = pueblos Read the transcript. http://www.talkingpeople.net/tp/0tppodcast/countriesall.mp3

Stories. My Mum, the Circus & Family Adventures!

Going to this webpage on Your Stuff! > Your Texts > Stories, you will find the transcript, too. It includes a page with Useful Language and links to get more Useful Language on various topics! http://www.talkingpeople.net/tp/0tppodcast/circus.mp3

Elementary. Irregular verbs and some tips for the Past simple!

This recording has no transcript because textbooks include a list of irregular verbs at the end of the textbook, so check yours! More audios for Elementary at Useful Language for Elementary students and at My webpage for 2014-15 Elementary students. http://www.talkingpeople.net/tp/0tppodcast/Elementary_irregularverbs.mp3

Intermediate. OP on Healthy Food

I’m excited to present a new segment (yes! Yet another! :D) which I’m creating because Mari Carmen, someone I worked with when she was in Básico 1 (Elementary) has sent in the script of a “monologue” she wrote for class, now that she is in “Intermedio” (B1). Thanks so much for this precious contribution! I’m … Continue reading Intermediate. OP on Healthy Food
